Monday 17 November 2014


Here is some info to help you with our current math lesson

You these tools to help you make your poster of Triangular Facts!


Watch this video too!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

6 Red's Visual Literacy Assessment.

What is it all about?

This term, Year 6 has been learning about human rights and their impact on the world. We’ve incorporated our visual literacy unit by creating our own posters based on articles stating different rights.

Our visual literacy unit has taught us to use the image to tell a story. We’ve been able to depict different elements and discuss them using our own imagination. Then we gathered all our knowledge and created these creative visual literacy posters.

We have used many skills learnt during the year to create this assessment piece. We used various modes of technology in new and ingenious ways. We employed our talking and listening skills to create explanations of our work. To do this we used iMovie on the iPads and uploaded them to YouTube.

Scan the QR codes and they will lead you to our YouTube clips.

6 Red Students


Wednesday 22 October 2014

Mrs Hyson and Mrs Borg are doing the homework this term and they have started their own blog page!

Click HERE to go to the new page.

or scan the QR code.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Homework Week 9

Math Homework Activity


1) Download the app on apple or android. Go to 'CREATION MODE' create your own track.
2) Press play, drag and drop characters in and out to create your own tune (use a variety of samples).
3) Once you have created your song and are ready to record hit 'rec' Record. 
4) After you have recorded your track click 'share
5) Write the title of your song and your first name and class as author ie Mr Haynes 6R

If you want to share your song with the grade.

6) COPY the link (do not email) open Chrome and log in to classm8 on your device (iphone etc).
7) share your song if you want to into Rayman the document that has ben shared with you.

Have fun and watch other students songs. Please read the rules first.

QR maker is here QR MAKER HERE

Watch Mr Haynes's Rayman Beatbox video

Rayman Beatbox iTunes: HERE

Rayman Beatbox Google Play:  HERE

Friday 29 August 2014

Homework Week 8

Homework Week 8

Both students and parents are welcome to join us on 'REMIND.' Through this app we will be able to keep you up to date with what is due in Year 6 and what needs be completed for school. When students join they need parents approval, none of your details are made available to the teachers. It is all run through the app. (think of it like twitter for our students only. It is a closed group that no one else can get access to)

Math Activity

Learning about and creating graphs  Webpage:  HERE

1) Choose a topic to research. It might be the types of food you have in your fridge or what your friends like to eat, play, you might roll a dice 50 times etc.

2) Collect your information, create a tally so you can see your findings clearly. (staple it to this sheet)

3) Go to the website and construct a graph. Don’t pick a graph you have done to death, challenge yourself! Don’t forget to add your name as the source.
Once you have constructed your graph save it as a .jpg (picture). Also email to yourself using your

4) Log into your Google docs and you will find a document shared with you and your classmates. Choose and empty row, and fill in the information. Drag your .jpg into the graph section. Your class will look at the results next Friday!


If you have trouble remembering how to log onto classm8 scroll down until you see the 'How To' post 

Math Game: HERE



Skyview: free

ANDRIOD/ Google play

The night sky lite: free