Homework Week 8
Both students and parents are welcome to join us on 'REMIND.' Through this app we will be able to keep you up to date with what is due in Year 6 and what needs be completed for school. When students join they need parents approval, none of your details are made available to the teachers. It is all run through the app. (think of it like twitter for our students only. It is a closed group that no one else can get access to)
Math Activity:
Learning about and creating graphs Webpage: HERE
1) Choose a topic to research. It might be the
types of food you have in your fridge or what your friends like to eat, play,
you might roll a dice 50 times etc.
2) Collect your information, create a tally so
you can see your findings clearly. (staple it to this sheet)
3) Go to the website and construct a graph.
Don’t pick a graph you have done to death, challenge yourself! Don’t forget to
add your name as the source.
Once you have constructed your graph save it as
a .jpg (picture). Also email to yourself using your Yourname@parrastu.catholic.edu.au.
4) Log into your Google docs and you will find a
document shared with you and your classmates. Choose and empty row, and fill in
the information. Drag your .jpg into the graph section. Your class will look at
the results next Friday!
If you have trouble remembering how to log onto classm8 scroll down until you see the 'How To' post
Math Game: HERE